Deal with the problem – before you explode



Today, well today is not official because today I started because TODAY I made my daughter cry because I yelled at her, – hoping its the last time.  Stress levels get high – they get higher when I’m trying to focus on something (like work, I work from home so this is actually usually what is the problem…) then I ignore whatever behavior is happening hoping it will fix itself – it never does.  Then after being ignored  – the problem escalates until… I cant ignore it anymore, nor can I handle it rationally anymore, so… I yell.  Like a can of soda that has been shook and shook and shook, then POP, my anger explodes.  Solutions…. well obviously would be to deal with the problem right away so it doesn’t build.  SO MUCH FREAKING EASIER SAID THAN DONE.  However, that is my goal, all week long.  Deal with the problem when it arises, don’t wait for it to escalate so we all get angry.  Any ideas?  Any thoughts? Comments?  Especially since I REALLY do need to actually work sometimes, and well… if I have to be interrupted every freaking minute to deal with something, NOTHING will get done.  What are your problem times?  When do you find yourself losing your temper?  Have a wonderful – quiet night.  I have to go because… my nearly 1 month old is screaming and I’ve been trying to bounce her on my lap while finishing this blog… hahaha ignoring the problem while writing a blog about NOT ignoring the problem.  Oh the irony.  I’m awesome…. :D.  

No More Yelling



Last night I had a fight with my husband – well really I just got insanely worried, anyway, that’s irrelevant. What got me, what really got me was what it did to my parenting. I turned into a mess, I yelled, I didn’t make the cookies I promised my son and pretty much just sent the kids to bed. And then… I felt terrible. Then today, my daughter broke the porcelain back off of our toilet and I yelled again, and it ended in us both sobbing. Not awesome. So today very publicly I’m committing to not yelling. I’m attempting to go 7 days without yelling. Wow, I know only 7 days? But… until I can go 7 straight days without yelling at my kids, or at my husband in front of my kids, 7 days is my goal. Its hard to see how I went from being absolutely mortified anyone ever yelled at a child to yelling at a child myself, but it has happened. Its time to admit it, admit that I have made some major parenting mistakes to my 5 kids and I need to stop. THEY are not the problem, I am. I am the problem, I admit that. They are kids, and they will continue to make mistake after mistake and break thing after thing. I am a grownup (supposedly) and I am supposed to nurture love and guide them, not scream and reduce us all to tears. So today is day one – I will be updating nightly (hopefully) to track my progress. I’m starting today at 330 pm ( I yelled this morning at my daughter, so the time is important!!!) If you would like to join me in my quest to stop yelling please send me a message or just comment! I would love support and to be support to my fellow mommy’s who may also struggle with yelling and losing their temper when no one else is watching.